Tuesday, 11 September 2018

जाने कुम्भ राशि के लिए अच्छा या बुरा जीवनसाथी Perfect or Worst match of Aquarius | SUVO TV IN HINDI AND BENGALI


जाने कुम्भ राशि के लिए अच्छा या बुरा जीवनसाथी Perfect or Worst match of Aquarius | SUVO TV IN HINDI AND BENGALI

#SUVOTV #Perfectmatch  #Aquarius 

शादी हर किसी का सपना होता है और सभी एक परफेक्ट जोड़ी का सपना भी देखते है सबकी यही चाहत होती है कि उनका जीवनसाथी सबसे बेहतर और परफेक्ट हो. अपनी राशि का ध्यान रखते हुए अगर जीवनसाथी का चुनाव किया जाय तो यह सपना पूरा किया जा सकता है. सही जीवन साथी के चुनाव के लिए राशि का ध्यान रखना सही होता है. आइये जानते है ज्योतिषशास्त्र के अनुसार किस-किस जोड़ी वाले राशियों का शादीशुदा जीवन बेहतर और खुशनुमा होता है.

 If you are known your perfect love match there are some simple tips to your Zodiac and Astrology sign to help your perfect love match.

This "Water Bearer" sign in which the birth of an individual is condemned as the birth lord becomes the lord of the house of loss, has to its credit some of the greatest philosophers and seers. Those born under Aquarius or Kumbha sign will be tall, lean, fairly handsome, manners winning, appearance attractive, disposition elegant. Lips of Aquarius are Flash cheeks broad with prominent temples and buttocks. They are highly intelligent and make friends of others very soon. They are peevish and when provoked, rise like a bulldog but their anger is very soon subsided. They are pure in heart and always inclined to help others. They shine very well as writers and good spokesman. They are at times timid. Aquarius feel shy to exhibit their talents but their conversation will be most interesting and highly instructive. They will specialize in subjects like astrology, psychology and healing arts, etc. Literacy greatness of Aquarius will come before the world when they are quite young and they themselves will not be able to estimate their capacities well, while others find in them something remarkable and extraordinary. They are intuitive and good judges of character. Aquarius have no organizing capacity and are devoted to their husbands or wives and never betray the interests of even their enemies, when trust is placed in them. Aquarius are liable to suffer from colic troubles and must take special precautions to safeguard themselves against diseases incidental to exposure to cold weather. On the whole Aquarius people have something subtle in them which endears them to all they come in contact with. 

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